Miyah Nykole Byers


Miyah Nykole Byers


Bachelor of Arts


Cinema Studies


About Me

I am an artist and storyteller with specific interests in the visual arts, screenwriting, filmmaking and directing. I spent most of my time at Oberlin working on different projects with Black students and professors on campus. Some of those projects include stage plays, creating an original radio show that I co-hosted with Jaris Owens called Fly in the Buttermilk, and two OCRF research projects: one which focused on Afrofuturism and the other which focused on colorblind casting in classical theater.

Campus Jobs

Communications Intern at the Yeworkwha Belachew Center for Dialogue

Favorite Place

Warner Studio 3 - where I got my start in Oberlin Capoeira Angola and became a capoeirista. It will always be a sacred and special place for me!

Favorite Class

Something From Something (Prof. Johnny Coleman) and Blues Aesthetic (Prof. Johnny Coleman)! I found my own voice and style as an artist in these two courses.

Clubs & Organizations

Capoeira Angola
WOBC: Oberlin College & Community Radio
Yeworkwha Belachew Center for Dialogue

Memorable Oberlin Moment

Completing my first Capoeira intensive and learning how to play the berimbau, OUR research symposiums, The Bluest Eye opening and closing shows, and shooting the Nice 4 What video with Oberlin alum Kiela Nelson!

Graduation Date


Future Plans

Join the art community in Cleveland, start working in theater, and maybe even go to art/film school!




“Miyah Nykole Byers,” OC2020, accessed May 2, 2024, https://www.oc2020.oberlincollegelibrary.org/items/show/51.

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