Molly Virginia Bryson


Molly Virginia Bryson


Bachelor of Arts


Creative Writing
Art History


About Me

Highly skeptical upon arrival, deeply nostalgic upon departure...I guess I learned to like it here.

Study Abroad

Berlin, fall 2018. Where I learned how to get into the club, and how to love espresso

Campus Jobs

Curatorial Assistant at the Allen

Favorite Place

Slow Train (on those days when it feels like the bar in a sitcom), sco ramp (liminal space where anything is possible), bench on the southeast side of Wilder Bowl (best place to watch everyone go by)

Favorite Class

Nonfiction with Lynn Powell (where I learned to write), Puppet ExCo (where I learned to play), Death and the Art of Dying (where I learned to brood)

Clubs & Organizations

Bike Coop
Oberlin Student Cooperative Association
The Oberlin Grape
WOBC: Oberlin College & Community Radio

Notable Quote

"Burn-out, Ohio. It wasn't me this time, letting you go." -Liz Phair

Memorable Oberlin Moment

Singing in the cover band showcase as The Flaming Nips, that time Frankie Cosmos played a surprise house show on a weekday night early freshman year, the time our floor broke when "I Follow Rivers" came on, Jonathan Richman, playing dress up

Graduation Date


Future Plans

Frolic around Oberlin for a while, move (back) to Chicago, live in an apartment with friends, get published, start my dollhouse project.



“Molly Virginia Bryson,” OC2020, accessed May 2, 2024,

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