Amy Namei Wang


Amy Namei Wang


Bachelor of Arts


Environmental Studies


About Me

This is Amy Wang! Also known as Namei or Namy <3. I grew up in Canton, China, which inspired me to teach a Cantonese ExCo last semester :p Oberlin was tremendously meaningful to me in so many ways. ?I made some life-long friends who will always inspire and support me. ?My professors and mentors taught me to look at the world with justice, open heart, creativity, and aspiration to give back. ?I became a more mature, responsible, and healthy person along the journey. ?I double-majored in Environmental Studies and Theater. ?I have been the co-chair for OSTA, a treasurer for 3 different student orgs, a TA for ENVS 101 (for 3 semesters ??), a student representative to the ENVS department, a Research Assistant, an actor in multiple theater productions... I am incredibly thankful for EVERYONE I met in Oberlin, thank you for all your kindness and weirdness, your laughs and tears, your passion and fearlessness, making my college experience one of a kind. P.S. Shout out to my parents and sister who supported me all the way through!

Study Abroad

I studied away at Yale-NUS in Singapore in Spring 2019! One of the best memories I had in College!

Campus Jobs

Research Assistant
Teaching Assistant

Favorite Place

The tree outside of COX

Favorite Class

Too many! Sustainable Cities, Acting 100, TA for ENVS 101...

Clubs & Organizations

Chinese Students Association
Oberlin Student Theater Association
Pottery Co-op

Memorable Oberlin Moment

Made many important decisions on the swing at Tappen Sq.

Graduation Date


Future Plans

Catch up with .... everything!



“Amy Namei Wang,” OC2020, accessed May 4, 2024,

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