Maya Gabrielle Small


Maya Gabrielle Small


Bachelor of Arts


Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies


Creative Writing

About Me

I'm a GSFS major and Creative Writing minor who shockingly spent a lot of time at Oberlin talking about feminism and writing stories. I played on the Quidditch team for the first couple of years, tried to start a club volleyball team in the last couple of months, and in the middle, played Gabble in the OSTA production, Marzipan and Bunko Go to New Jerk City! I also got some fun teaching experience as an instructor of ExCo Patronum for 3 semesters and a creative writing resident teacher in Langston Middle School! In my free time, I loved hanging out in Tappan Square, having a classic Feve brunch on the weekends, getting cozy by the fake fireplace in Peters, attending various performances, and spending more hours than I'd like to admit with my friends in Stevie collectively avoiding our responsibilities.

Study Abroad

Yes, I studied in Florence, Italy in the spring of 2019!

Favorite Place

Peters! It looks like Hogwarts and I had some awesome classes there!

Favorite Class

Probably Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome because Kirk Ormand.



Clubs & Organizations

Experimental College
Oberlin Student Theater Association
Writers in the Schools (WITS)

Memorable Oberlin Moment

It's hard to pick one, but on the first day of classes this semester, my friend and I were preparing for our other friend's birthday party and we forgot about the only class we had that day. When someone in the class texted us asking where we were like 10 minutes into class, we were in IGA buying ice cream. We frantically paid and drove home in what felt like an action movie sequence, showing up 20 minutes late to a class that was only supposed to meet for 30 minutes that day. Basically, it was my last first day of school and I forgot about the school part because ice cream and friendship. Also! Waking up at 4am for art rental was pretty crazy!

Graduation Date


Future Plans

I technically have a job for this fall as a full-time tutor for The Literacy Lab in Washington, DC.




“Maya Gabrielle Small,” OC2020, accessed May 3, 2024,

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