Dalia Rachel Silverstein


Dalia Rachel Silverstein


Bachelor of Arts


Philosophy, Honors

About Me

I grew up on Long Island in New York, surfing, writing, playing sports, and making art. Being from New York, with beaches one way and a large city the other, I used to wonder why I chose to go to school in Ohio. I didn't wonder for long, though; Oberlin is one of the best choices I've ever made. It introduced so many wonderful people, friends, professors, and mentors that made me want to push myself in ways I never imagined possible before. I found new interests and passions, grew out of old ones, and obtained more knowledge than I may ever know what to do with. It also gave me a place to feel like I belonged, and one where I was able to become the most liberated version of myself.

Study Abroad


Campus Jobs

CDS student staff

Favorite Place

North quad. It's more quiet and less crowded than Wilder Bowl, but is still a great place to soak in the sun and the beauty of the campus with friends!

Favorite Class

Problems of Philosophy with Todd Ganson. It was one of the first classes I ever took at Oberlin, and made me fall in love with philosophy!



Memorable Oberlin Moment

Intramural softball was one of my most fun and memorable experiences at Oberlin

Graduation Date


Future Plans

I will be attending Columbia University in the fall for a master's degree in social work and a minor in law.




“Dalia Rachel Silverstein,” OC2020, accessed May 4, 2024, https://www.oc2020.oberlincollegelibrary.org/items/show/329.

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