Victoria Catherine Liebetrau


Victoria Catherine Liebetrau


Bachelor of Arts


Hispanic Studies
Creative Writing

About Me

If you go fast you will go fast. If you do not you do not. It does not matter so who cares. My cat is named Cleveland, Ohio and she told me to tell you she thinks you're cool so don't worry.

Study Abroad

Valparao, Chile Fall 2019

Campus Jobs

Student Union staff
'Sco Manager
Attendant and Booker / Student Union Office Assistant / Wilder Building Monitor / Wilder Info Desk Desker

Favorite Place

Wilder Information Desk because it was one of the last spaces on campus that felt like Oberlin College should have felt. And we lost that.

Favorite Class

Anything taught by Sebastiaan Faber, Sergio Negr or Kim Faber. Also recess.

Clubs & Organizations

Good Talk
Improv Coalition
Oberlin in Solidarity with El Salvador
Oberlin Student Cooperative Association
Writers in Residence
Student Union Board

Writers in the Schools (WITS)
Spanish in the Schools (SITES)

Notable Quote

"Any publicity is good publicity." -Me, 24/7

Memorable Oberlin Moment

Every day working at the Student Union with Tina Zwegat, Tom Reid, Debbie Presti, Shirley Adkins, Dan Lubinski, Sean Lehlbach, Pea-Jae Stasuk, Mat Whipple and Brice Wilson. The Student Union fights for students every single day more than any other organization I've encountered on campus, and it deserves so much more protection and credit for the work they are constantly doing. I cannot emphasize enough how underappreciated they are, and I hope that they are given the respect they deserve in coming years. We've already lost central pieces of the Student Union, so I implore future Obies to protect The 'Sco, The Cat and The Lanes as they are currently more vulnerable than ever.

Graduation Date


Future Plans

Being quarantined. Maybe draw a picture who knows



“Victoria Catherine Liebetrau,” OC2020, accessed May 3, 2024,

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