Helen Yuxun He


Helen Yuxun He


Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Music


Computer Science
Technology in Music



About Me

Helen He is a multimedia artist and software engineer. With multi-media compositions infused with intimate narratives, immersive soundscapes, and emotional vulnerability, they share their perspective of the world from an intersection of minorities. They specialize in choral composition, sound design and instrument design. A classically-trained vocalist and pianist, Helen enjoys premiering new works by other composers but also pursues their interest in historical performance by singing music from pre-1600 to 2019 in Collegium Musicum Oberliniese, Oberlin's early music choir, and studying organ performance with Dr. Christa Rakich. They worked as a sound designer for multiple theater and dance productions on campus, a concert sound technician for Student Union, and a circulation desk assistant for the Conservatory Library. They are also an avid researcher in the field of computer science. They received an XARTS grant for their research in music and machine learning in 2018; and their paper, "Privacy and Activism in the Transgender Community" was accepted into the proceedings of The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Additionally, Helen is the recipient of the 2020 R.J. Thomas Computer Science Student Service Award.

Campus Jobs

Research Assistant
Libraries Student Staff
Teaching Assistant
Concert Sound Technician
Media Art Technical Assistant

Favorite Place

Fairchild Chapel - my beloved Collegium Musicum rehearses there three times a week, and I'd say we have the most beautiful band room ever. I had my junior recital there too. So many fond memories under the stained glass; I'm pretty sure I'm going to get married there someday.

Favorite Class

Seminar in Mathematical Modeling! Combined my love of math and my love of art perfectly.

Clubs & Organizations

Computer Science and Hackathon Club
Contra Dance Club
Dandelion Romp
Samba School
Collegium Musicum

Memorable Oberlin Moment

My junior recital that went way too long. I wish I could have had a senior recital too, but memories from my junior recital fills that void.

Graduation Date


Future Plans

I've accepted a full-time position as a software engineer at EA Games.




“Helen Yuxun He,” OC2020, accessed May 3, 2024, https://www.oc2020.oberlincollegelibrary.org/items/show/157.

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